ArgueLab Quizzes
Fallacy Quiz
Test your logical acumen by seeing what’s wrong with each statement. Find explanations for each answer here.
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Spot the Magic!
Take a look at what makes great quote tick. Immortal expressions use a combination of tricks to make words go viral. They’re all based on “memory keepers”: parts of the human brain that store memories by sounds, pictures, or associations (relating one thing to another). In my book, Word Hero, I call this collection of memory keepers—Sounds, Pictures, and Associations—the “SPA treatment.”
How good are you at spotting them? Hint: If a quote isn’t literally true, it’s probably some sort of trope—words that associate someone or something with something else. Want to make lasting quotes? See this site for 43 tools that make your words stick in people’s heads.
Oh, and don’t freak out about your score on this test. Instead, look at the explanations on the answer page. I’m hoping they’ll help you write, and read, better. - Jay
Or has our meme-addled culture canceled oratory?