Jay (left) and David (right), practicing their rhetorical skills from on high.
Jay and Christina in the middle of Question time.
About ArgueLab
Since Thank You for Arguing was published in 2007 and became a bestseller, readers have been asking Jay Heinrichs how they can try out the book's many persuasion tools. Well, you're in luck. One of those readers was a talented rhetorician now at the American University in Dubai, David Landes. He had been teaching the book to undergraduates and devising his own exercises.
"Hey," he said. "You should do something called an Argument Lab."
And so we did. There's a whole Argument Lab section in the new edition of the book. And we created this online version, complete with a series of videos by Jay and ArgueLab's Christina Fox, that we're releasing every week. Submit questions, and we'll answer some of them in our popular Question Time videos!
For more about Jay Heinrchs, click here.
Or has our meme-addled culture canceled oratory?