5 Things You Probably Should Know About AP Lang
Context: Or, as Jay and the ancients call it, The Occasion.
Audience: Like, who are you really talking to?
Exigence: It means, what does this situation want?
Message: The What of rhetoric.
Purpose: The Why.
Rhetor: The writer or speaker.
Rhetor videos. Have you heard of the “Miscast” Broadway revue? It casts performers in unlikely roles. Use this for inspiration in practicing prosopopoeia—the ancient exercise of channeling other voices. The best rhetoric gets you out of your own head into those of others. Check out Lin-Manuel Miranda and Raul Esparza singing “A Boy Like That” from West Side Story.
Reading the Situation: Coming soon!
Writing the Situation: Here’s a checklist to give you the Who, What, When, Where, and How.
Rhetorical Choices
Rhetorical Choices Analysis: How should you describe choices? Hint: use verbs.
Claims and Evidence
Claims: The Because of every argument.
Evidence: Oh, yeah? Prove it!
Reading Claims and Evidence: An example to help you nail this thing.
Writing Claims and Evidence: 7 steps to writing glory.
Line of Reasoning: Get ready for the enthymeme. It works better than it spells.
Reading the Reasoning: You’re a detective. Look for these 7 clues.
Writing the Reasoning: The 8 things you want to do during the test. Panic-free.
Thesis: How to write a great thesis sentence.
The Datum Fallacy: From the blog, a big problem with facts.
Fallacy Quiz: Test your knowledge of these logical screw-ups!
4 types of outlines, from the Ciceronian to the Comet (including the one you should use on the test).
Comparisons: Coming soon!
Figures: They’re where the word magic happens.
Syntax: Coming soon!
Word Choice: Coming soon!
Spot the Magic in These Quotations quiz: See the real meaning behind figures and tropes.
Rewriting: The very best, most delightful form of torture.
Writing (and Speaking!) to Rule the World: Or even better? To change it.
How to Become a Writer: A blog post on remapping your brain.
Write the Perfect College Admissions Essay: From the blog, a special kind of persuasive essay.
A Video on Writing the Perfect College Essay
Unblock Your Writer’s Block: From the blog, 6 tips—including “write badly”!
The Man Who Invented the Essay: An excerpt from Thank You for Arguing.
Writing a Persuasive Essay Is Like Dissecting a Frog: From the blog.
Tips and drills for finishing the test brilliantly and on time.
Rhetorical Analysis Timing Drill
Find games here that make you more persuasive.
Persuade Jay to video-chat with your class.
Match videos to chapters in Thank You for Arguing.
Or has our meme-addled culture canceled oratory?