What's a euphemism for euphemism?

Note: Figarospeech.com, where “Figaro” speaks to “figarists,” is migrating to jayheinrichs.com. So is this blog.

Stained glass troll

Figarist Cari Jackson asks whether “euphemism” is the proper term for this blithe quote from a corporate CEO:

“I don’t want to say layoffs. I’d say, perhaps, redeployed is a better term.”

There is indeed, Cari! 

Figure of Thought: meiosis (my-OH-sis), the shrinker. From the Greek, meaning “to shrink.”

The meiosis (“It’s just a flesh wound!”) redefines an issue to make it sound less important. Reminds us of “The Simpsons’” evil nuclear plant owner, Mr. Burns: “Oh, meltdown. It’s one of those annoying buzzwords. We prefer to call it an unrequested fission surplus.”

Let’s call a spade a spade. But when someone calls an earth mover a spade, don’t call it a euphemism. It’s a meiosis. Got any more examples of mealy-mouthed shrinkers? Please comment!